City of Ellensburg ASR Prefeasibility Study
Date published: November 1, 2021
Authors: Coho Water Resources – Chris V. Pitre and Sheryl R. Wilhelm
Coho Water Resources. “City of Ellensburg ASR Prefeasibility Study.” Washington State Department of Ecology, 1 Nov. 2021.
This study focuses on the City of Ellensburg’s proposed concept for Aquifer Storage and Recharge (ASR) in the Kittitas Valley: the recharge of Yakima River water into the Upper Ellensburg Formation via existing City-owned wells. This study includes a compilation and synthesis of readily available information regarding the feasibility of development of an ASR project. Coho recommends proceeding with an ASR pilot test to further inform the viability of an ASR program and permitting. This report contains many informative tables and figures on relevant topics such as groundwater characteristics, hydrogeologic units, and geologic units.
Contact person/agency: Washington State Department of Ecology
File Format: pdf
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