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Yakima Basin Integrated Plan
Groundwater Research
Grant Information

Basalt Aquifer Storage and Recovery Assessment Near Reecer Creek, Kittitas County, Washington


Date published: March 2023

Authors: EA Engineering, Gregory Geologic, and Jacobs


EA Engineering, et al. “Basalt Aquifer Storage and Recovery Assessment Near Reecer Creek, Kittitas County, Washington.” Kittitas Reclamation District, Mar. 2023.


The purpose of this investigation was to determine, through examination and evaluation of basalt stratigraphy and geologic structures, whether additional investigation was warranted to evaluate ASR near Reecer Creek. This report includes 1) a geologic map showing the location of outcrops, sample locations, and observed physical elements; 2) tabulated and compiled geochemical and physical data gathered at the site; and 3) a conceptual model of the project area. With the primary textures observed in outcrop, as well as the relatively thick unsaturated zone, the authors conclude there is potential for at least small volume ASR hosted by basalts at the project area.

Contact person/agency: Kat Satnik (Kittitas Reclamation District)

File Format: pdf

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