Evapotranspiration and Floodplain Aquifer Storage Capacity in Yakima Tributaries
Date published: February 2024
Authors: Lisa L. Ely, Carey A. Gazis, Lindsay Henning, Emily Polizzi, Edward Vlasenko (CWU Geology)
Ely, Lisa L., et al. “Evapotranspiration and Floodplain Aquifer Storage Capacity in Yakima Tributaries.” Washington State Department of Ecology, Feb. 2024.
This report consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 involves aquifer storage capacity and stratigraphy in the North Fork Teanaway watershed and Taneum Creek. Potential floodplain aquifer capacity in the North Fork Teanaway was calculated at 1040-1990 acre-feet, while the potential capacity at Taneum Creek was calculated at 350-1120 acre-feet. In Chapter 2, the methods in using MODFLOW to assess groundwater storage in the Teanaway River floodplain aquifer are detailed, as are the results of the model. Chapter 3 focuses on the evaluation of soil moisture and evapotranspiration on Taneum Creek. The various techniques used to calculate ET are described, and interpretations of the data are evaluated.
Contact person/agency: Lisa L. Ely or Carey A. Gazis (CWU Geology)
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