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Yakima Basin Integrated Plan
Groundwater Research
Grant Information

Decadal-Scale Effects of Large Wood Restoration on Channel Morphology and Groundwater Connectivity, Taneum Creek, WA


Date published: July 2022

Authors: Samuel Fixler


Fixler, Samuel. “Decadal-Scale Effects of Large Wood Restoration on Channel Morphology and Groundwater Connectivity, Taneum Creek, WA.” All Master’s Theses, 1783, Central Washington University, Summer 2022, https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/etd/1783.


Taneum Creek, located in central Washington, is one of the earliest LW restoration areas (2008) in the Yakima River Basin and the central Cascade Mountains. The flood in 2011, with an estimated discharge of 69 m3/s (2,400-2,800 cfs), provided further channel change by mobilizing LW and channel sediments. Three reaches with similar channel characteristics and LW additions were compared with a control reach without LW additions to document this annual channel change. The effect of LW on annual floodplain connectivity was further assessed using a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which represents density of greenness and plant health. This index is used as a proxy for floodplain ‘greenness’, which will help illustrate floodplain connectivity.

In response to the large flood of 2011, LW created new channel complexity, such as significant increases in multi-threaded channels in each of the LW study reaches, except the control reach, as well as side-channel formation which allowed for beaver dam construction. Of the side channels that formed in the LW reaches, 50% or more formed 10 m downstream of LW jams. Sinuosity increases were not uniform among the different reaches with fluctuating increases and decreases. The reaches with increased channel complexity related to the LW and large flood also increased in floodplain greenness and connectivity. This increase is likely a result of the floodplain inundation that increased delivery of water to side channels and beaver ponds and perhaps raising the local groundwater table. The results of the study indicate that the reaches with LW additions increased in channel complexity and groundwater-floodplain connectivity following the large flood, which is important for maintaining diverse aquatic and riparian species and possible aquifer recharge.

Contact person/agency: Samuel Fixler

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